The spook name Kimball and its surname variants Kimble / Kamble / Kemble / Kumble seem to be a Phoenician-type name: קימבעל Kim-Baal. Officially, this name is only attested in Biblical El-forms like קמואל Kemu-El or אליקים Elia-Kim. The literal meaning is “God stands”, but the name also puns with “masked ruler”.
Biblical El-names with √qm
There are many Biblical names with Aramaic קים qym, Hebrew קום qwm, of the same root קם √qm which means “to stand”.
Phoenician names with √qm
Since Biblical names & Phoenician names were fundamentally the same, similar names can also be found in Phoenician inscriptions. Frank Benz lists the following name variants for the root קם √qm:
- אבקם ˀbqm, Phoenician (probably pronounced Abi-Kum)
- מקם mqm, Phoenician (probably pronounced Makum)
- מקם אלם mqm ˀlm, Punic (title or office, probably pronounced Makum-Olem)
- מקמאל mqmˀl, Nabatean (probably pronounced Makum-El)
- מקימו mqymw, Nabatean (probably pronounced Makimu)
- Μοκιμος Mokimos, Greek
- Μοκειμος Mokeimos, Greek
- Aḫiya-qaamu, Hebrew
- Aḫi-qumu, Hebrew
QM qwm “to rise, stand”
Qal pf. in ˀBQM, cf. vocalized names below and parallels; and perhaps Yiphil ptcp. in the other (Harris, 142). On this ptcp. formation cf. the Nabatean names mqmˀl, mqymw, Gr. Μοκιμος, Μοκειμος (Cooke, 78.2), and the P title or office mqm ˀlm in CIS 227, 260-62, 377, 3351, 3352, 3788; RES 13, 360, 537, 553, 554, 1569, and in the NP insc. Cooke 57.4 myqm ˀlm. For discussion of the n. mqm in Ph-P see Février, CB 9 (1960-61), 33-36; Dahood, Biblica 43 (1962), 360. On occurrences see Dict., 165. For parallels see IPN, 176, 200-201; PTU, 178; APNM, 259.
- ˀBQM
A-ḫi-ya-qa-a-mu APN 16; Aḫi-qu-mu ADD 531 R 4.
Benz, Frank: Personal Names in the Phoenician and Punic Inscriptions
Biblical El-names corresponding to Phoenician Baal-names
Many Biblical El-names like חניאל Hanni-El or its reverse אלחנן El-Hanan have occurred outside the Bible as Baal-names such as חניבעל Hanni-Baal and its reverse בעלחנן Baal-Hanan. We can thus well imagine that Kemu-El also had a Baal form, like the others.
Yiddish spelling of Kimball as Kim-Baal
Interestingly, the Yiddish spelling for Kimball is קימבעל qymbˁl with Ayin, exactly how the Phoenicians would have spelled it. This is unusual, since A as in a “football” ball is typically spelled with Aleph. It may be that this Latin spelling for Kimball developed out of a Phoenician Baal spelling, or that some spook just felt playful here.
ווערנאן שילינגער (דזשאנאטאן קימבעל סימאנס), דער פירער פון דער ארישער ברודערשאפט
Vernon Shillinger (Jonathan Kimble Simmons), the leader of the Aryan brotherhood
qm for “standing” as pun with qm for “mask”
The meaning of the root קם qm is “lift” or “standing”. The Biblical El variants are usually interpreted as “God stands” or something like that.
But of course, all Phoenician names are hidden ruler puns. Kim-Baal is even a very straightforward case: קם qm / כם km is a pan-Semitic word root for “concealing”, very often used for garments that cover something, like sleeves or muzzles. Interestingly, in Arabic the term is even used for the modern surgical masks, that our spook rulers made mandatory during the Coronahoax.
The main problem with detecting this root is that it’s fuzzy. It occurs mostly outside Hebrew, and the spelling varies between qm & km. The root may be very old though: Ernest Klein derives it from Akkadian kamtu, which seems to be a variant of katamu for “concealing”. Apparently, the T has been swallowed up in many later forms. (This also happened to qm for “first”, which is derived from qdm with a swallowed D.)
But overall, we can safely conclude that to the Phoenician spook overlords, Kim-Baal was a pun with masked lord.
Semitic qm, km, ktm = cover, conceal, obscure, muzzle, mask
קמם qmm : to muzzle — Aramaic (CAL)
קמקם qmqm : to muzzle — Aramaic (CAL)
קאמא qˀmˀ : muzzle, bit; from Greek κημός — Aramaic (CAL)
כמה kmh : to be blind; blind; to obscure; to be blinded — Aramaic (CAL)
כמהה kmhh : truffle; Related to Arab. kam’a, Akka. kamtu (= truffle); lit. ‘that which is hidden’. — Hebrew (Klein)
ܟܲܡܗܵܐ kmhˀ kamha : opaque — Syriac (AAF)
كَمَّ km kamma : to cover up, to close up by enveloping, to muzzle — Arabic (Wikt)
كُمّ km kumm : sleeve of a garment — Arabic (Wikt)
كمامة kmˀmʰ kammāma : surgical mask, medical mask, procedure mask — Moroccan Arabic (Wikt)
كمامة kmˀmʰ kamama : face protection cover, mask; a cover placed on the nose of animals such as horses and camels — Arabic (Wikt)
کمّ km kamm; kimm; kumm : covering, concealing; stopping, corking; muzzling (a camel); a flower-bud; an envelope, or cover; a sleeve — Persian (Steingass)
κημός kēmós : muzzle put on a led horse; nosebag for horses; etymology: unexplained — Ancient Greek (Wikt)
𒌋𒌆 katāmu : to cover with; to cover up, to conceal, to hide, to overwhelm; to cover, to overwhelm, to mystify; to hush up, to silence; Arabic kettema كـَتـَمَ “to silence” — Akkadian (AAF)
Advice to the public about the emerging corona virus (nCoV-2019): How and when to use a mask
nṣˀḥ lljmhwr ˁn fyrws kwrwnˀ ˀlmstjd (nCoV-2019): kyf wmtˀ tstˁml ˀl kmˀmʰ
نصائح للجمهور عن فيروس كورونا المستجد (2019-nCoV): كيف ومتى تستعمل الكمامة
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